Identification, Facts, & Control

Latin Name

Stenopelmatus fuscus


House Cricket.jpg Large, striped with dark brown bands on top and is creamy yellow colored

Jerusalem Crickets

The Jerusalem Cricket is much larger and fatter than either the field or house cricket. It has a massive head (sometimes termed baby faced), enlarged mouthparts and is very plump in appearance. Jerusalem crickets are wingless and have an abdomen that is striped with dark brown bands on top and is creamy yellow colored below. They have strong spiny legs. These crickets look frightening and dangerous to most homeowners but are actually quite harmless. At worst, the cricket may inflict a small puncture wound in very tender skin with its strong jaws (mandibles). Like all crickets, they have biting chewing mouthparts. , Jerusalem crickets mate in the spring and the female lays small masses of eggs in a hole in the soil. Adults are found during the summer under stones, logs,. bricks, and boards around the yard - i.e., under anything that will allow them to hide during the day. They move around at night looking for food such as dead animal matter. Jerusalem crickets feed on and damage a number of root crops such as potatoes and radishes. For this reason, they are often called "potato bugs". Occasionally, Jerusalem crickets will wander indoors where they may cause an annoyance merely by being present. However, they will not eat or chew holes in fabrics as do the field and house crickets.

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