Identification, Facts, & Control

Latin Name

Blatta orientalis


Oriental Cockroach.jpg 1 inch long and all black plus it can't fly


  • Known as the "Shad roach" & "Black Beetle."
  • The adult is 1 inch in length.
  • Coloring is dark brown to black.
  • Female has short wing pads.
  • Male wings cover% of abdomen.
  • Adults live for 4-5 months.
  • The female carries the ootheca for 30 hours & then drops it or attaches it to a protected surface. >· She produces 8-15 capsules with 10-20 eggs each over her lifetime.
  • The Oriental female has the largest capsule of the four most common species of cockroach.
  • Most closely associated with moisture of all the species. Found in basements, ground cover (red-apple or ivy), and in and around areas of dampness under buildings.
  • The best way to treat in and around a residence is to treat damp areas around the outside of the house, in the garage, and under the house.
  • The least likely place to find these moisture loving cockroaches would be in eaves and gutters on the roof.

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